Episode 20: The Science of Influence

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In this age of instant information and social media, influencers seem to be a dime a dozen, but what does it mean to be influential? More importantly, can we truly break down the concepts that make someone capable of influencing others in an attempt to mimic them? Is there legitimate science behind these concepts, or is it all just witchy space lizard mind-control nonsense? Join hosts Shanti and Danny as they dig into the mystery behind the Science of Influence.


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Bradley, S.W., et. al.; Experimental Evidence of Observed Social Media Status Cues on Perceived Likability. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 2019. 8:1 (41 – 51). https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000164

Rodriguez-Santiago, M., et. al.; Behavioral Traits That Define Social Dominance are the Same That Reduce Social Influence in a Consensus Task. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 04-Aug-2020. 117:31 (18566 – 18573). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2000158117

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